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The look of the faux is distinctive from the originals, Lv like Monogram pattern, not fast in-line. Handles and trim are genuine leather or cowhide leather since their originals, but man made leather, low-grade looked enjoy. Slide fasteners and metal parts are not shiny gold brass, but a majority of bad quality brass flat.
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An important stereotype to a fake Louis vuitton bag is to identify the monogram. The original Louis Vuitton bag monogramsplaced carefully. Very good symmetrical on all sides and have much gold letters with brown line, printed by the "LV". Built not dyed, wiped, cutouts or tinged with natural. They are properly bolted, thin and placed exactly on the bag. Inside a few original Lv bags, will be the logo on the head placed on a web page.replica louis vuitton bags A fake bag, both logos of both sides placed in position.
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